Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It’s all about to click off!

Epic battle.
Black vs. White.
The Revengers vs. Manus Archangelus.
The 15th of March.

Come watch if you’d like. I’m sure Sven’ll provide spectator passes…


  1. Spectator passes are available at all known ticket agencies. We suggest early booking (15% Early bird discounts when ordering more than 3 days in advance) since the gods expect rush demand. Pay-on-demand TV channels that follow the event will be announced in time.

    Or you can just use:
    Server: joebroesel.dlinkddns.com
    Port: 50505
    Password for gm: epic

    Looking forward to a large number of excited spectators and cheerleaders!

  2. Oh, an just a warning:
    Michael will have his horns freshly polished, so husbands, please hold back your wives!

    There will be a hands-on autograph session afterwards with handing out of signed Dwarfen hair and Tiefling skin......

  3. Michael comes before a fall...
